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Event Details

    Legal Updates

    Date: January 9, 2014, 7:30am – 9:00am
    ASU Banquet Room (see directions below)
    Event Type:
    Chapter Meeting
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    Speaker: Richard Lehr- Lehr Middlebrooks &Vreeland, P.C.

    Topic: Legal Updates

    Meeting Sponsor: Grassroots Marketing  (CollegeCounts - Alabama's 529 Fund)

    Click here to register

    DIRECTIONS to Alabama State University Dunn-Oliver Acadome Banquet Room:
    Traveling I-85 North/ toward Atlanta
    Take the Court Street Exit 1
    Follow Arba Street to South Decatur Street
    Turn right onto South Decatur Street
    Turn left onto Carter Hill Road
    Turn left onto Harris Way (Formerly Hall Street) (Entering Alabama State University Campus)
    Go thru Gateway
    Turn left onto South University Drive
    Immediately after proceeding through two-way stop
    Make immediate left turn into parking area back of Dunn-Oliver Acadome

    Traveling I-85 South/ toward Downtown Montgomery/ Birmingham/Mobile
    Take the Union Street Exit 1(Stay in far left lane)
    Turn left onto South Decatur Street
    Turn left onto Carter Hill Road
    Turn left onto Harris Way (Formerly Hall Street) (Entering Alabama State University Campus)
    Go thru Gateway
    Turn left onto South University Drive
    Immediately after proceeding through two-way stop
    Make immediate left turn into parking area back of Dunn-Oliver Acadome

    If you need additional directions or information, please call the Office of Human Resources at Alabama State University at (334) 229-4667.